Organizational Structure of Muslim Brotherhood Features … Targets … Future – Volume (II)

نبذة عن كتاب Organizational Structure of Muslim Brotherhood Features … Targets … Future – Volume (II)

“The organizational structure of Muslim Brotherhood Group (MBH), including its institutional and administrative units, has an exceptional importance for MBH leaders. It is considered the main tool to manifest the principles and ideas of the group in reality, on one hand. On the other hand, it is the tool to implement its political project towards capturing power of the state, and empowering the group in the whole society.Since its inception, MBH group kept connecting the organizational aspect with the ideological one. It realized that preserving the cohesion and continuity of this structure requires from members to have faith in the ideology and values promoted by the group. Moreover, the group was seeking to secure the pivotal role of the general guide within its organizational and dynamic building; taking into consideration, that the nature of the guide’s role differs from one guide to another. That depends on the charisma of the guide and his leadership features, besides his ability to impose influence on the members of the group.MBH group depended on organizational/administrative units, including: offices, committees and departments; with the aim to enhance its infiltration inside society. The group gave priority to the social issues, and that provides the group a social supportive base, which can be utilized to support its political project; and that really occurred on the ground during the parliamentary and presidential elections that were held in Egypt in 2012.While the organizational and administrative structure seems to have institutional features, nevertheless, the method of managing the affairs of the group looks nearer to individual and personalized features, represented in the clear dominance of the guide and higher leaderships on decision making. For example, the Shura Council is classified at a top position in MBH organizational and pyramidal building, and it enjoys significant powers; nevertheless, these powers and authorities remain restricted and submissive to the general guide. This means that the shura council is just a front image, with the aim to improve the image of the group in the eyes of the West, and to give the impression that MBH group believes in modern democracy.”

رمز الكتاب: aeb424075-10424185 التصنيفات: , , الوسوم: , ,


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Organizational Structure of Muslim Brotherhood Features … Targets … Future – Volume (II)


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