Muslim Brotherhood Circumstances of Emergence and Foundation – Volume I

نبذة عن كتاب Muslim Brotherhood Circumstances of Emergence and Foundation – Volume I

“Muslim Brotherhood Group (MBH) is considered a phenomenon that deserves research and studying, due to its wide geographic expansion and the depth of its social and political influence, not only in the Arab and Islamic region, but across the entire world. In this context, an analytical view of the historical conditions that accompanied the emergence of MBH group in Egypt, provides one of the essential keys to understand the factors that control the work of its followers, and the way of devising its ideological vision and its tools for change.In this context, studying the social and economic environment that surrounded the emergence of the group has a special priority, because it allows us to present a perception about the general situations that were prevailing in Egypt, in their various dimensions and the multiple levels of changes. This study will be an attempt to know the roots of the near past and its effects on the course of events and the justifications, which accompanied the emergence of MBH group.The emergence of MBH was a result of an array of social, demographic, urban, economic and social changes, witnessed in Egypt in the first third of the 20th century. Those changes collectively formed the environment encouraging for the establishment of many social and religious movements, which were seeking to change the hard situations. Noteworthy was the failure of the ruling elites in finding effective solutions for the problems that were prevailing within the society in that period.The poor economic status, the absence of social justice and the sharp class disparity are the factors that were reflected on the social status of most categories of the Egyptian society. Those poor categories lived a state of marginalization and poverty during the first third of the 20th century. That situation paved the way for the emergence of MBH group.The missionary/preaching movements spread in Egypt during the first third of the 20th century, and that was one of the reasons behind the emergence of MBH group. The founder of the group, Hassan al-Banna, exploited that issue, and he moved to confront those “Christian” missionaries.”


بيانات كتاب Muslim Brotherhood Circumstances of Emergence and Foundation – Volume I


Muslim Brotherhood Circumstances of Emergence and Foundation – Volume I


Trends Research and advisory


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